
Series novelty 2024: FACTORY

Perfectly imperfect
as life itself

How do you actually create the good feeling of lived-in rooms? For example with the series novelty FACTORY from Agrob Buchtal: Aged concrete floors on which time has left its traces served as a natural source of inspiration. The Circle decorative tile adds a cosy modern country feeling with classic ornaments and creates something unique in the mix.

The FACTORY tile design combines the best of two worlds: A casual industrial look as the basis. Stylised leaf patterns as counterparts that break up the archaic factory charm and tell their very own story in combination.

Used look for the room
The basic design pays homage to New York and London studios of the 1960s and 70s, when affordable living space was scarce and artists converted empty industrial buildings. The textured surface of the floor tiles is matt and unglazed, giving the look a distinctive, authentic element.

Perfectly "imperfect" in expression, functional and also ideal in terms of planning for sustainable concepts - today as then, born from the conversion of factory and production halls or shop spaces. With a colour palette in lime, bronze grey, aluminium, asphalt and blue steel, FACTORY makes a strong statement when renovating old buildings and furnishing modern loft architecture.

Unique contrasts with warm colours and ornaments
The wall design of the basic tiles quotes whitewashed or finely levelled clay plaster walls and contrasts the floor tiles with soft, natural tones in cotton and smoke white.

Circle, the decorative tile for walls and floors, brings a cosy modern country flair that balances tradition and modernity: The stylised all-over leaf pattern of rhythmically shifted geometric circles combines organically with the minimalist clarity of the industrial style. Colour tones from both worlds serve individual design preferences.

Circle can also structure and accentuate areas, create spatial connections and draw visual axes, especially in spacious open-plan layouts.

FACTORY features three formats for the floor and two for the wall as well as non-slip mosaic, stair and terrace tiles and can be used functionally and creatively in modern living and working environments, retail concepts, hotels and restaurants. All products are Hytect-coated and therefore particularly easy to clean.

A mix of styles that always works
With FACTORY, coolness and well-being become one. The casual combination of opposites, a gentle breeze that embraces the traces of time, creates the inviting nonchalance of lived-in spaces. Or to express it like in the sixties - the right setting for every happening.

Press contact
Gabriele Busse (Press Officer / Senior Manager PR)
Deutsche Steinzeug Cremer & Breuer AG
T. +49 (0)228 391-1104
M. +49 (0)151 14976931





FACTORY creates the casualness of lived surfaces - for example in trendy gastronomy concepts.

Used look for the room: Aged concrete floors, on which time has left its mark, were the inspiration for the series.

FACTORY makes a strong statement in the refurbishment of old buildings and the furnishing of modern loft architecture.

Coolness and well-being become one in the informal style mix of factory charm and modern country. Colour tones from both worlds cater to individual design preferences.

With formats in 30 x 60, 60 x 60 and 60 x 120 cm as well as the 30 x 120 cm stair tile with R10/A+B slip resistance, all areas can be covered.

The 60 x 60 cm terrace tile in the series is available in all the colours of the basic tiles and extends the interior with slip resistance class R11/B to the outside without slipping.

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